Welcome to Carolyn & Ann!
The best lessons in life were taught in my grandmothers’ kitchens.

I’m so happy you’re here!
My name is Rebecca. Not Carolyn or Ann. Neither of those is even my middle name. So this blog title may be a bit confusing if you don’t know me. Let me explain – because the title is the beginning of my story.
My grandmothers have both influenced me over my lifetime in ways I cannot count. From their examples of following God to their never-failing love for their families and friends to their general life lessons, these two women have made lasting impressions on my heart that I hope to pass along to my grandchildren someday.
Granny Carolyn was a true classic. She had the look, the smile, and the personality that made you look twice. (Think mid-century movie star – but humble and gracious.) She was warm and welcoming, was always put together, and had a laugh that was infectious. She was an excellent cook and an even better wife, mother, and grandmother. Ever-patient, loving, funny, kind, joyful – there is no doubt she loved us all just as we were and without boundaries. (I really miss her!) God put a beautiful soul into a radiant woman and for some reason thought I deserved to be her granddaughter.
Granny Ann is a classic, too. If you have ever known a Southern woman, you know what I mean. She is the “bless your heart” and “well, I’ll be” kind of grandmother who wants to cook a giant midday meal and then sit and talk for hours. She spoils everyone she knows – often with baked goods (or even cash sometimes, if she thinks you could use a little bit) – and always with her love and doting. She’ll call you out if you need it, but she loves you no matter your wrongdoing. She has a tender heart, a strong will, and a warm hug. There’s a lot to learn from a woman like that.
Everyone is welcome at Granny Ann’s house so if you get a chance, you should visit when she has a chocolate pie or some macaroni and cheese ready, and stay and chat a while. God blessed me by making me her granddaughter. I’m confident and caring because she showed me how to be.
Both these ladies are incredible. They are from different backgrounds and led different types of lives so their influences on me are also different. Yet one thing they both impressed on me is a love for cooking. It’s kind of my love language – and it is/was theirs as well. I enjoy cooking and baking for others, I find joy in sharing a meal with my family and friends, and I feel that my labor in the kitchen is one of the best ways I can show my love. God gave me a talent, my grandmothers gave me the passion, and I hope to give you some inspiration – or at least a good idea or two.

Carolyn & Ann. You may never have met them, but you’ll get to know them through me – through their recipes, through my memories, through their stories, through the lessons they have taught me. And you will be blessed by them, too.